Dear Uncle! You have enjoyed an illustrious career. Now it is time to start the next innings of your life full of joy and happiness.
Your company has always been the most under-rated pleasures of life. I will greatly enjoy more of it. Welcome to the retirement club uncle!
I certainly know who is the most happy person in the world today? My Aunt because now my uncle will be staying at home more often!
One thing is for certain that more than us, the organization will miss you! Such have you been!
You have been a huge influence to not only the people you have worked with but also to someone like us. May there be more uncles like you in this world.
I would be fortunate if you will be my uncle in the next lifetime also. Happy Retirement Dear!
Dear Uncle! While you may not be my father, you certainly are no less than that for me. Your mentorship and guidance are always there and you have always lent me ears whenever I needed help from you. Needless to say, but you are more than an Uncle to me. I wish you a wonderful retirement.
There is father day, Mother day, brothers and sisters day. There needs to be an Uncle day also. We have seen how hard you have worked over the years and the sacrifices you have done for your family. I adore you, dear uncle. Remember, that you are retiring only from the work and not from the joys of life. Very happy retirement to you.
Life is always meant to move on. While you have certainly achieved a lot during your work tenure, now it is time to relax and enjoy life a little bit. Take this retirement phase with ease and I wish that the prosperity, health, love, and blessings in life multiplies. Very happy retirement to you dear uncle.
A complete family is all about having the liveliness dynamics with your dad, mom, siblings, as well as with your uncle and aunt. They are the ones who add an interesting dynamic to the whole family saga. And I am happy that now my Uncle will be there to accompany me with his charm, charisma, intelligence, experience, and wisdom. Happy Retirement you Uncle. Hoping to have a magnificent time with you.

Work Ethic Retirement Related Message for Uncle
Apart from Dad, if there is one father figure, that can only be my Uncle. You have instilled in me the values of hard work, work ethic, honesty, and determination. I am absolutely sure that your organization and colleagues would be very proud of you for what you have achieved for them over the years. Very happy retirement to you. May you always be this happy and smiling.
Seeing you accumulate financial freedom over the years, I have greatly learnt from you to worship the work. I hope now you will be engaged in some sort of work to pass boredom.
You are the one who inspired me to pursue your career. And now seeing you retiring, I can only be emotional. But I have learnt a lot by seeing you work. You are a perfect role model for today’s younger generation. I wish you a very happy retirement life dear Uncle. All the very best.
Best Emotional retirement wishes for Uncle
Dear Uncle! It doesn’t have to be a sad time that you are retiring as you are now about to start a new inning of your life. And I am very happy that now, not only your family but even I would be able to spend some quality time with you. Your jokes, stories, and wisdom in my childhood have served great nostalgia. It is now time we bring back those memories again with our fruitful time together. Happy Retirement my dear uncle!

My wonderful handsome uncle may have retired from the work but his charm, charisma, and youthful energy are still alive and will go on possible for eternity. Always great to have you by our side dear uncle. Now we will have a blast. A very happy retirement.