There is some fascination with the birthday of the 18th year. Don’t know why but there definitely seems a significance for the eighteenth birthday in both spiritual and scientific aspects. If your son is turning 18th today, then you can send him all sorts of wishes from here. From funny and inspiring to heartwarming, all sorts of wishes are covered here from the perspective of Dad and Mom.
Funny Quotes from Mom & Dad on 18th Son’s Birthday
Happy is the son whose dad will say yes to his every wish when his mommy wouldn’t approve of it.
Dear son! We have seen how tightly you sleep with the pillows. I am so sure that your future wife and girlfriend would be one lucky girl.
It is only a Son who can empty the bank account of his mommy and still getaway. Don’t do that in reality though.
When the going gets tough for the sonny, the sonny gets going, to the mommy for help. Hehe! Kidding sweetheart. You may have turned 18th, but you always come running towards mommy for help, even when you are 50. Happy Birthday handsome. Love you to the moon and back.
Inspiring wishes & letter for his 18th Birthday
There will be times in life when the going will get tough my son. You need to remember that it’s the tough times where the tough have to get going. And we know that you have the talent and skill to do that. Happy 18th birthday.
Sometimes, we may not receive things in life that we want because the divine has better things planned ahead for us. May you never give up and always keep working hard towards your goal. Happy eighteenth birthday my dear.
There may be arguments, debates, and resentment at times, but nothing will wither away from the love that we will always have between us. We wish that all your dreams come to fruition.
True friends keep their real side transparent while the superficial ones show their real side during the bad times. May you never ever let their disappointment spiral your self-esteem.
There is no worthwhile thing in life that comes without hard work. May the failures never waiver your faith and persistence. Success rarely comes without them. Happy birthday, son. God bless you.
Images of Son’s Eighteenth Birthday

God Bless you my Son
Happy Eighteenth birthday to my youngest son
You may have come a little late in our lives and this is why everyone loves you like you a child and will continue to love you like that even when you will be mighty elderly and full of wisdom for the rest of the world. Love you, my darling son.
A great Son is the one who doesn’t take scoldings of mommy daddy to his heart. Happy Birthday, dear.
Where there is a will, there will always come up away. May the failures of life only propel you to work hard with more faith.
For many many years to come, my handsome son will enjoy plenty of attention from the opposite gender.
Happy 18th birthday to first born son
It seems only yesterday that my firstborn came to me. I feel so blessed by the divine to have you. I have high expectations from you in the future as the Almighty has blessed you with lots of talents and abilities.
Some of the best things in life have come up after the arrival of you my dear. You have been a lucky angel for us. May every family gets a son like you.
The nostalgia of your younger days always brings me immense joy and happiness. May the divine always bestow you with happiness, health, and prosperity.
The year you are entering will bring a significant shift in your life. We pray to the Almighty that all your dreams and visions transform into reality.