One of the craziest things and roller coaster in life could be the time that you will spent on working, learning and getting to know your Ex- Bosses. They are the ones who invested the time and belief in you and nurtured you for success. At times, they may even cover up your mistakes and take blame on your behalf. If you really think about it, you will hundreds of reasons to have beautiful memories of your Ex Boss. And when the occasion is of your Ex Boss Retirement, then you got to repay them with your sincerest retirement wishes. After all, that’s the least you can do that will make them cherish the time they spent on you. Here’s to the fantastic wishes of retirement to your Ex- Bosses.
Dear Ex-Boss. It is amazing to see how far we have come up in our professional journey. I remember the time when you helped me along the way and I would always feel lucky to have come by such a good boss. May your retirement life be usual like your exciting work life. Happy Retirement to our wonderful Ex-Boss. God Bless you!
Very lucky are few people in life who not only a get a great boss but also a great guide & mentor. It is disheartening to see you retire my dear boss but as God’s will prevails, we are all here to wish you lots of retirement wishes. You impacted our professional careers for real good and I wish there be more boss in the world like you. Enjoy your retirement dear!
We argued, we fought and we accomplished so much. It was a hell of a roller coaster ride with my Ex boss, who was also a great friend, and most importantly a great human being. While you were strict with the professional atmosphere, I would always remember how supportive you were when I was going through the bad time. It has been an amazing journey and I feel blessed to have come in touch with such a wonderful Boss. Thank you my Ex Boss for everything. A very happy retirement to you!

The time with my Ex Boss was a nostalgia one for sure. He made us laugh, made us cry too, he scolded us but now we realized that he did for our benefit only. I thank my wonderful Ex Boss for bestowing me with all the goodness that helped me not only in professional but also in my personal life also. I wish you an amazing retirement life. May you have a new journey, with much more relax and enthusiasm than your professional work.
Dear Boss! I hope you are not angry with me anymore now due to my mistakes in your tenure. 😂 I surely gave you a hard time with plenty of mistakes. And your scolding was right on spot but I couldn’t have it showed that to you at that time. I came to realize that you have now retired from your work and I wish you and your family a very happy retirement life. And also what to let you know that you are only retiring from work and not from the joys of life.
Some things in life cannot be expressed directly with words and yet our tone and moods need to convey it in a subtle manner. This is what I exactly learned from you my dear Ex Boss who willingly invested so much time and energy to blossom me into a productive employee.
Funny Wishes to your Retiring Ex Boss

Hey Dear! I hope you are not still mad at me for my slow learning in your tenure.🤣 I surely gave you a lot of headaches during my time. But I can only say one thing now, i.e. A sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart. You did for me what no one else could have done. I wish you a magnificent retirement life and I hope you will always be happy, healthy, and smiling like your usual self.
There are many bosses in world that we never forget, and I am sure I am one of those employees that a Boss would never forget 😂. Had some amazing times with you. I hope you are retiring to start a more joyous and interesting tenure in your life. Happy Birthday to my Ex Boss.
Today is the day when I can confess with my open heart that I used to despise your working style and your pushing of me but after a lot of time, I became more productive, more fruitful in my professionalism and needless to say, I became a better human being. Thank you for instilling in me the ethos of great life, both personal and professional. Happy Retirement to the wonderful Ex Boss. May every boss in the world be like you.
While exes in personal life may not be good, the exes in professional life will always leave a positive impact 😊. I never thought in my life that I would take orders 🤣 from anyone. But later I realized that it was not orders in my professional career but an uncomfortable period that propelled me to great heights of success, thanks to someone like you. Happy Retirement to a lovely person.
A lot of valuable lessons in life can only be learned by arguing with your boss and I did learn plenty by that method with you 😊. You were not only calm enough to handle my tantrums and mistakes but also guided me to climb the ladders of success in the corporate world. I am happy to say that you were one of the finest Ex Bosses that I could have asked for. Your retirement time has come and I am sure you are going to start something more interesting. Needless to say, we may have had differences but I will always pray for your good health and wishes. Happy Retirement dear!