A sister-in-law is a vital member of your family. Her presence is lively and we want to bring a smile to her face with the birthday wishes. You need not to appreciate her daily but special occasions such as birthday surely require some special words. As they say, humor is the best way to appreciate and therefore, Funny Birthday wishes for Sister in Law are exactly what you need. And this is what this post is all about. You will find plenty of them in this post.
You have passed another year with my Brother. A miraculous feat in itself. Congratulations!
You have now entered my list of people whose birthday I always remember. Hard work does pay off and I am so proud of you! Even my name is not on that list!
Adjusting to us crazy people does require some patience and commitment. And now we are proud to say, that you have become even more crazy than us.
The Birthday may be your’s but I recommend you to prepare the feast and not leave the task to my brother if you don’t want people to stay hungry rather than eat dinner prepared by your darling husband!

There is something about you that has raised the testosterone levels of my brother. Ofcourse, only my dear brother knows it.
I couldn’t have asked for a better sister-in-law. But then again, my bar was set really low.
I was actually going to buy a precious gift for my sister in law but then realized you already have not one but two in the form of me and my brother.
Its the day when my brother has every reason to pounce on you without any notification! Just keeping you warned!

Dear Sister in Law. Whether it is your Birthday or of my brother, we know that the money will be spent from whose pocket.
I would like to know the drugs which made my brother look 10 times more handsome when you were dating him.
You are a lot nicer than I thought you would be. A surprising change and I am a lot more pain in the *r*e than you would have expected!
May you motivate my brother to work hard and earn more so that he can takes us all for a round trip to Switzerland.
Due to your genetics, my brother and family will always worship you like a Goddess.
One thing I am certain is that my brother’s testosterone levels are never going to drop off for this life.
I sincerely thank you for rewarding the persistence of my brother in chasing you. You are certainly one of his finest possessions in life.
I am amazingly thankful to the man who invented drugs that you took before saying yes to my brother. I would like to buy them in bulk.
Happy Birthday to my awesome Sister In Law. Here is a toast to bitching about my brother.
Dear Sister in Law. I am sure that your beauty, charm and charisma will always keep my brother on his toes. May every man gets a wife like you. Happy Birthday!
It is so amazing so to see sanity being alive inside of you despite living with, well you know very well.
Its because of people like Mark Zuckerberg that I can remember the birthday notification of my sister in law, including of my own birthday too.
I am going to give you the best birthday gift that will always come in handy in your married life which are a nice pair of footwear. You can not only wear them but also use them to beat the heck out of my brother when he doesn’t listen.
Until your 30’s, its either in the room, the chimneys, the kitchen or the roof. And when 40 strikes, you would be glad to remember even the car keys.
God works in mysterious ways. He gathered two fools from different corners of the world and tied them into a perfect relationship. I wonder where you guys would have ended without each other.
Your mission should not be so self centered around my brother. Its now time that you hook me up with one of the pretty sister of your’s.
Happy birthday Dear Sister in Law. I am gifting you this amazing cooking pan. It has a sweet spot too which you can find by testing on the bald head of my brother. Happy married life!
Its not fair to steal all the center of attraction from me, which I was enjoying for all the years until you came. but i guess that I have no option now. Happy Birthday Sister in law!
You look really different. I don’t know whether its your hair, weight or something else. Oops, I realized that you are an year older and the make up is also doing its job.
If there is one thing that I have learnt from my sister in law, it is to stay young forever, by lying through the teeth of course! Happy Birthday!
Listening your silly jokes and tantrums of my sister in law are all worth the while because you are mighty gorgeous. Happy Birthday dear!
God bless Google where I can find such awesome birthday wishes for my sister in law. Copy and pasting one of them. Enjoy dear!
Stomach-aching Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister in Law
You are doing many things right. One of them is applying a secret fountain of Youth that is keeping you young and charming forever.
You have introduced a new gene in my brother i.e. glow in the skin that makes him look more like a human.
I have realized that the real joy of birthday gift is in the anticipation only and not on the actual birthday gift itself. So I have decided to give you only a birthday wish for your birthday. Happy Birthday!
If there was a noble price award for being the best sister in law, I would have certainly not given it to you. Hahah 😀 You need a lot more improvements. But happy birthday to you.
On this birthday, I wish you transfer some of your beauty, charm and charisma to my good brother also.
May my brother earns a heck lot of money and I wish you to be ready to spend the majority of it.
My brother may have done a thousand sins till now but all that is forgiven once he brought a beautiful sister in law like you. Happy Birthday to you!
If the gorgeous beauty of my Sister in Law cannot tie up a brother, I don’t know what else will. Happy Birthday dear!
For all the weird choices that my brother has, it is extremely refreshing to see his choice in choosing you.
May the Almighty burns all your fat which you desperately want it to be burned by hook and crook.
I think you must have realized by now that sometimes, my brother doesn’t need a pep talk. He actually needs lot of kicks to his bum in order to get the work done.
Dear Sister In Law. I admit that when I saw you for the first time, I was jealous of your beauty. But the jealously turned into ecstasy once I know that you are marrying my brother.
No matter how much my brother earns, I know that you will always be up for spending the majority of it and being a woman myself, I whole heartily support that idea.
It doesn’t matter how my brother looks as of now. Be assured that he will age like a perfect wine for sure.
You may have heard that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. For my dear brother, its not the tough going but the tough criticism that propels him to get off his a**.
The best accomplishment of my brother till now has been to marry a woman like my sister in law. Well done dear brother!
The best advantage of Sister in law is to get to know all her make up secrets and wardrobe, even if she is reluctant to!!! Hahah!
I thank my sister in law for seeing plenty of nice intangible qualities in my brother. But he obviously saw a lot of nice tangible things to marry you. Happy Birthday by the way!
What to keep in mind while Writing Funny wishes for Sister In Law on Birthday?
A banter is always a good thing to have with the Sister in Law. However, care must be taken that you do not go overboard or hurt her sentiments while making fun of her choices. Always know the limit you can go with the funny wishes on her birthday.