Human Resources are probably the most vital part of an organization. While having the talent and skills in an employee is necessary, temperament and emotional quotient are the biggest factors that drive an organization to major success. Needless to say, if today is the birthday of your HR Manager, both Sir or Mam, then you have a dozen reasons to give them a sincere birthday wish.
Happy Birthday to our 5% increment HR.
Party is a must today followed by a leave for tomorrow.
I am pretty sure you were HR of the heaven also which is why we have such a vibrant environment in this organization.
Its a secret but most of the people are scared of you at times, including the Boss too, for the right reasons though!
On this auspicious occasion, all our blessings are with you to advocate 4 day work office.

On your Birthday, the Boss should also be assigned a new task, which is blowing the balloons for the party celebration.
The best decision that the Boss has done for this company is in hiring you and me ofcourse, through you!
You have exceeded our expectations by a mile. I hope you will be the HR here for eternity.
I hope you don’t put on make up tonight which may upset the Boss’s wife.
On this birthday, assurance is needed that any foul-mouthing about our Boss while we are drunk tonight, will not be considered while promotion.
Nothing could have compelled us stubborn people to learn basic human etiquettes at the office other than you.
Your Birthday cake ought to be the biggest one we ever had in this office.
You make this place tolerable, that itself is a feat in itself!
Apart from the party and other celebrations, please also arrange an anbulance and paramedics in case our bosses passes out while partying us like young folks.
After my wife and daughter, you are the only one I fear the most, especially when you message me, “Come to my Cabin”.
You have managed to achieve more attendance from employees than from the previous HRs, a feat in itself. Congratulations!
You should author the book “How to be NOT Naive in office environment”
Thank you for showing the exit door to many of the undeserving folks in this organization, including our previous manager.
No books, no videos, no courses have helped me as much as you have. You have taught me how to love my colleagues when all I want is to kick at their behind, a feat in itself!
HR Birthday Sarcasm & Hilarious Wishes

Thank you for not pouncing on my behind whenever I had made some serious blunders!
Its the only day of the year when you witness fake compulsory smiles in abundance.
You deserve an Oscar for handling a boss like our’s.
After working with us, you must have realized that motivation at times doesn’t get the best out of us as much as two kicks on our behind.
Thank you for giving me more increment this year. I hope the trend continues.
Some people never get the credit they deserve. May that not demotivate you for the future!
Getting scolded by you is always more preferable for everyone than by the Boss!
You may be our official HR but unofficially, you are our leader. Happy Birthday!
You are not only a good person but also a hard-working one, a thing very difficult to have simultaneously.
You have raised more competition now by raising the beauty standards.
You are the second boss of our company, but a good one though!
Your work could be thankless but everyone notices the efforts. Happy Birthday!
While you may be the mouth-piece of the organization, everyone knows how employee-centric you are. May every HR in the world be like you.
The Best Shield from the storm (Boss’s angry mood). Will always be grateful to you!
You have the ability to make employees feel special even if they deserve boots on their asses.

You have been amazing to us in challenging scenarios. We sincerely wish all the best for you. Happy Birthday!
You have the hardest job in this organization i.e. of dealing with the boss directly.
When the Boss becomes tough, the HR gets going.
Free Pizza parties, free booze and office trips. Thank you for arranging them at the expense of company.
It is amazing how one single person can inspire hundreds of others to work hard consistently. Happy Birthday Dear Sir!
You always ensure that we employees have a lively atmosphere so that we can work hard with enthusiasm. I wish you a wonderful birthday.
May every organization have an HR like you Sir. You are wonderful beyond measure.
Much thank you to HR mam for granting us leave without causing any trouble. May you keep doing the same in future too.
We are blessed to be working under someone like you. May you always be here. Happy Birthday
Funny Birthday Wishes for HR Manager

Thank you for allowing me to take leaves when you know the real reasons behind them.
Apart from being a good HR, you are also good at reverse-ageing, the secret of which I am desperate to know.
It is the day when you have a chance to reveal your real age for good.
The fact cannot be ignored that when the Almighty was designing you, he took a lot of time.
Thank you for being so gorgeous that all the guys want to come to office daily.
You have seen my worst. I hope you stay in this organization to see my best.
On this auspicious day, may you get a huge increment from the management and then request the same for me too!
You may not give a party today on your birthday. A small increment in my payscale would be more than enough. Happy Birthday to you!

If our CEO leaves the organization or depart to heaven, I may not worry a cent. But I would be disheartened if you go away anywhere else. Happy Birthday!