In today’s day and age, a great Boss is a blessing in disguise. He or she will not only guide you on the right path but will also make you pursue progress in your professional as well as personal life. As we all know, every word matters, and especially when it is written for your Boss. This is why when you Boss’s birthday arrives, you truly want to make it funny, lively and stand out from the rest. So if you are looking for Funny Birthday Wishes for your Boss, you have come to the right place.
They say that don’t choose an organization but rather a good boss because s/he will take bring out the best in you and will propel you to great skills. A good boss not only supports his/ her employees but also makes sure that their progress is not hindered with office politics. So if today is the birthday of your boss, then nothing could be better to stand out from the rest than by sending him / her a real funny birthday wish. So without any further delay, lets give you an awesome list of hilarious wishes that your Boss will truly enjoy.
May your birthday be extravagant today with lots of blessings and wishes from friends and family. May the birthday party for us employees be even more extravagant with wine, stakes, champaigne and lots of cheerleader. Happy Birthday Dear Boss!
On this auspicious occasion, may we have a night-long party tonight so that we could enjoy a leave tomorrow.
You are the rare breed of Boss that is not mean and heartless. I thank God for designing your genetics differently.
It is the day to make us so happy that we forget and forgive you about the earful that you have given us for the stupid and petty mistakes.
Dear Boss! Be assured that I will not be stubborn today.

Considering your age, we will have an ambulance and a team of para-medics on stand by, in case you pass out while partying like us younger folks tonight.
I wish my own children grow up to be like you i.e. smart, sharp minded, witty and hard working, which is complete contrast of me.
May you have an unlimited supply of coffee in coming years, so that you would be able to keep up with us with your growing age.
Thank you for giving me increment last time. It has not only increased my comfort but has also raised my testosterone levels and my wife couldn’t be happier.
Please provide the formula that your wife applies on you which not only makes you successful but also allow you to enjoy a balanced life.
Science say that opposites always are compatible with each other. Therefore, you will always need to have a balance of hardworking and lazy folks for the growth of the company. I hope you remember this fact while evaluating the performance this year.

May you have lots of children in the coming months and years so that later on they can work for you and you don’t have to worry about paying them.
Thank you for taking all the proactive measures to keep negativity and gossips at bay in the office.
Please spill us the name of the medicine which keeps you eneregized and positive throughout the day. I guess its your wife.
You have not only inspired me to progress professionally but also to left behind my dinosaurs-old fashion style.
We don’t want to stress you out on this happy day, therefore we employees have already planned the itinerary on your birthday. Kindly approve it asap.
You always promised to treat us like a family. Time to put words into action on this birthday.
I have more respect for my boss than I ever had for anyone. It is also directly proporational to my paycheck.
If there is one gift we all would love to give you, it would be selective amnesia where you would forget all the mistakes done by us within 1 day.
You deserve an Oscar for possibily being the only boss in the world who stays silent on our moonlighting work. May all the leaders be like you.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Lady Boss
May the divine gives you all the strength so that you could bear more tantrums of us without losing your mind.
We thought of buying a nice gift for you but then realized you already have the best gift in the world in the form of us employees.

After my wife and daughter, you are the only one who I fear of for the right reasons though!
It is the one of the few days of the year when all of us are assured that we won’t be getting an earful from you, for the right reasons ofcourse!
Happy Birthday to an incredible Boss who knows how to work hard and party even harder.
Thank you for being lenient on us at times when we sincerely deserved a tight kick on our behind. Happy Birthday to an Awesome Boss.
After working for so many years, I have now realized that sometimes its not the motivation that gets the work done but rather two kicks on our fat behind. I thank you for this eye-opening reality.
If there would be an Oscar for the best Boss in the world, I am sure that you will atleast get nominated.
Dear Boss. Sometimes the Almighty gives us way more beyond our expectations like he blessed you with amazing set of people who propelled the growth.
You have exceeded my expecations in giving exposure and knowledge. Now its time to do the same in increment.
Do you know that we also have a second boss in the company. We call her HR officially but she is a good one though!
May your personal life remain organized like your dressing style and your office files.
Sometimes, we learn and at other times, we get scolded. But that encourages us.
I get bribe offers to reference people in this organization. An indication of your good management and supportive leadership.
You are not only a good leader but also great at remaining ageless, a secret that you have been hiding from us for a long time.
I would like to admit that you have been more tolerating of me than my wife could ever. I sincerely thank you for that.
Whatever thought process you are possessing, it is clearly working for you as you are turning more handsome with every passing year despite the challenges.
Red wines, champaignes and lots of partying. Nothing less would be accepted on this birthday.
I wonder when did you started disliking office politics and gossips? Possibly when you were in your mother’s womb.
Great Bosses like you are extremely hard to come by. Please don’t leave us before we do.
Considering your age, it would be a hard task for us to find the size of the cake that can fit all the candles. But ofcourse, being your employees, we will find it.
On this birthday of your’s, I have a small request. After getting drunk tonight, everything we may utter about organization, management and you, will be given a blind eye.
You are the default person who I mention to wife whenever I am going out on boys night out with my buddies. May you never tell this secret to my wife.
A very much gratitude to you for accepting my reasons behind my sudden leaves when the HR department had no clue about that.
I request you to prolong your stay hours in the office so that everyone remains on their toes all the time.
I can proudly say that this is my second home. Just don’t tell this to my wife.
Thank you for yielding the solution of my every problem. When employees have a boss like you, then there is no need of Google.
You have been our guiding mentor and an awesome leader. Please allow us to reciprocate today by showing you how to have an animalistic party on your birthday.
I wish this year of your life brings you enormous wealth so that I could get a 50% hike too. Happy Birthday Boss!
I may not be satisfied with my current CTC but I will still wish you the very best on your birthday!
The environment of the office premises is one of the best excuses for me to stay in the office even on non-working days, as a way to escape my chatterbox spouse.
After working under your leadership, I have now realized that you know more about me than I could or even my wife could ever know.
Happy birthday to the head honcho, the top most dog of our organization. 😂 Sorry Boss but couldn’t find a phrase that is technically right and hilarious as hell.
Happy Birthday to the Lord who is responsible for my salary increment. May everything negative you have heard about me vanish away into thin air.
If there would ever be a skill in making a smart, confident person, nervous for some reason, it has to be learnt from our Boss. A skill that I would great use on my critics.
Short Hilarious Birthday Wishes for Boss
A great boss is the one who overlooks the occasional mistakes of his employees and brush them under the carpets. May you always stay like this our. Happy Birthday!
Today is the day when many of your business partners and investors will fill up on your Facebook Timeline as if they have been in touch with you all throughout the year.
No other happiness can be measured equal to the one of buying a nice, elegant birthday gift for a wonderful leader like ours’s. We have placed the nice gift in your cabin, along with the invoice of course. Happy Birthday.
We know that you are always surrounded with lots of work, goals and visions. But today, we are going to encapsulate you with laughter, fun and a lot of partying.

Dear Boss! I have been fasting for three days for this day only. I hope you will not dissappoint us.
Its the rarest of rare day when we are going to give our to do list to our wonderful Boss. So here it is. Come to the office, cut the cake, give everyone a fine wine and dear and announce holiday for next two days.
Whether you have been good to us or strict, we are going to be a very meaningful and lavish gift for you today, of course from company’s budget. Have a great birthday!
The best definition of Boss is someone who who keeps on going……giving orders. Kidding.You are a gem of a person.
It is hard to believe that there are kind bosses like ours’s otherwise the connotation with them is heartless and micro-manager.
We all know that our super cool leader doesn’t shy away from fulfilling our wishes. Therefore, on his birthday, its our demand that you let loosen yourself and shake your leg at the dance stage. Happy Birthday!
On this great birthday, I hope that your pot belly reduces along with your strictness too.
May you never every shy away from displaying your grey hair as they are the sign of wisdom and maturity. Happy Birthday!
May every Boss on the planet be like ours’s. Smart, with a cool sense of humor and who doesn’t hold long meetings.
The best employee in your workplace is sending you the amazing birthday wishes. Now kindly please return the favor by granting him / her with a salary increment.
I admire the work ethic of my wonderful leader. Daily coming up to the office, setting up tasks to be delegated to others, and monitoring them seems like a real tough work. Isn’t it Boss man!! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday. May you call off for a half day for all of us today.
Happy Birthday to our wonderful boss who knows how to work hard and party even harder.
I don’t fear my enemy. I fear my the criticism of my leader.
Happiness is when you announce that you are not coming to the office on his / her birthday and also declare it a holiday for the employees.
A clever leader is someone who knows the one who committed blunders but still remain silent to let others play the blame game.
Hard working, funny, hard working. That’s how I would describe my boss.
You may have heard it many times but when the going gets tough, the employees gets going.😂
I don’t have to wish the divine to bless my leader because he already has blessed him last year with plenty of money. HBD man!
After Mom & Dad, you are the only one who can tame me into productivity.
Its the day of birthday of our supreme leader, therefore, all rules are ought to be broken today and tomorrow. So day off tomorrow for me.
Dear head of our company! Thanks to Google and Facebook that I can find nice, creative and funny birthday message for you. HBD by the way!
A tough leader is someone who on his birthday, comes to the office on time and doesn’t throw a party.
We may not have been able to achieve the most profitable contract for you but we are getting the cake that you always cherish. Everything balances in this world boss.
A great head is someone who keeps the employees awake when they are napping during work.
A boss is hard working if he never gets tired of, giving the orders. HBD
The most underrated joy of life is to eat like a pig at head’s free birthday party. May everyone gets a leader like you.
Happy Birthday to the one who knows how to get more work done with less salary.
Lucky are the employees when their boss works harder than them.
Today is the day when we can sort out all our disagreements on a wine and dine party, to be borne by you of course.
If robots need to learn how to keep working, they should watch our boss.
May this year of your life propel you to great profitability, which will convince you to increase my remuneration too.
Its your birthday today, so we deserve an off tomorrow, of course after an exhausting birthday party. Did I mentioned free party for us!!
Hey Boss! I am gifting you a nice present on your birthday today. A nice ppt presentation of your urgent work.
The best gift anyone can give to their leader is not poking him (or her) for salary increment. That’s my gift for you on this birthday.
We were thinking of getting you a small cake but then realized you need a big one in order to fit all the candles.
What to keep in mind for Funny birthday Wishes for Boss?
While everyone loves humor, it may not be the best thing to give hilarious birthday messages to your Boss if they maintain a distance with you. The head of your organization needs to have a flair for humor that will make him or her enjoy the funny message. Always keep in mind not to write a funny message that may go overboard and reflects cocky attitude.