The memories of events are as good as the images that your photographer takes. On their birthday, they deserve appreciation for transforming the mundane moments into vibrant ones through their clicks. Lets brim them with special birthday wishes that inspires them to capture every wonderful moment of life. This post is a sincere attempt to provide zoom-tastic birthday wishes for the photographer.
We may have the time machine in future but we may never have the time freezer like you in future. Happy Birthday to my photographer friend.
A wonderful birthday to my lens-toting friend. I pray your life to be as vibrant and awesome like the pictures you capture.
Happy Birthday to the photogenic friend who always know to give the right expressions in every frame.
It’s the day when you need to be in front of the camera instead of standing behind it.
I wish your mind be sharp and clear always just like your favourite lens.
May your Birthday today be as remarkable as your photography.
Do you know who is the luckiest person in the world? The one who is married to a photographer.
May your life always be framed perfectly with happiness, friendships, creativity and gratitude. Lots of Birthday wishes to you.
Heartfelt Birthday Wishes For the Photographer
May the lights and angle be always accurate for the captivating objects like you. Happy Birthday!
If cameras had a voice too, they would tell how proud they feel being held by you. Happy Birthday!
You are the best converter of the Mundane surroundings into vibrant ones with your clicks.
You are the reason so many people will smile in the future when they will look at their pictures taken by you.
One may have the latest model, but the equipment is as good as the operator behind it.
May this gadget be the source of hundreds and thousands of dollars in the coming months and year. Happy Birthday mate!
Some people are born to capture moments. You are one of them!
If someone needs to see beauty in everything, they should see you urgently.
Perfect Filtered Birthday Wishes for your Photographer Friend
May your passion for photography goes brighter than the sun and your creativity soars higher than the tallest tripods in the world.
Your batteries may run out, the memory card may fill out, but not your passion for the perfect moment.
The perfect looks exist for a micro-second and you are too good to not miss it. Thank you for your services all these years.
May you always keep smiling! Just like you say, a Big cheese smile awaits you today for the birthday photographs.
You not only take pictures but the essence of the moment. Our future generations will live these moments, courtesy of the wonderful pics that your camera has taken.
Whether it is the day, night, sunlight, or rainy, your pic gets the best facial expressions. May there be more good photographers like you!

A very big birthday to the individual who makes average people look beautiful and beautiful people look like demigods.
You have captured countless precious moments of our lives. Today is the day when you take a sigh of relief and have fun while others capture your happy moments.
If there was an equivalent of a surgeon in the photography field, it would certainly be you!
Some things cannot be said, they can only be felt. And you know how to capture them. All the best for the future.
Hilarious Funny Wishes for your Photographer Mate

You may be a year older but your resolution just got upgraded in the game of life.
Life should be like the camera. That is to focus on the good moments, develop from the negatives and if the shot ain’t good, then simply take another one.
The skills of your photography make me believe that you probably started practicing photography when you were in the womb.
May the camera of your brain always autofocuses on the positive, joyous and happiness that this world has to offer.
Have a zoom-tastic happy birthday to the one who is ageing gracefully.
You probably could be the only photographer who can even make the passport picture look so good.
May this year of your life be fully exposed to all the happiness and exotic vacations in this world.
On this auspicious day of your’s, I want to make a wish. May there be a day when you will take weird pictures of my ex, ofcourse unintentionally :p
As you blow out the candles tonight, may your wishes transform to reality swiftly just like the shutter of your camera. An Awesome birthday to my flashy friend.
You are an amazing photographer, but I look like a donkey in all your photographs. Still, a happy birthday to you.
Thank you for making me look 10 times better than what I am. You are certainly my saviour of life.
Happy Birthday to the photographer who makes bluriness looks like a piece of art.
Standing alongside someone who I do not like, I would never allow you to take our picture as you make everyone look good.
I want you to teach on how to take the perfect picture and fart at the same time.
I know! For every occasion you are hired, you probably have a hell of a time (while editing) laughing your ass off at funny pics of people. I hope someone would be there to frame your funny weirdest pic today.

You can try me to take your photos on your birthday. The pics won’t be bad and I won’t be too expensive like you are.
May the Almighty gives you more patience to capture the perfect expression.
I wish you could teach me how to capture the funniest expressions of my wife discreetly so I can tease her later on.
No offense! At times when you have said cheese to me while taking a pic, I was thinking about kicking your behind.
The only time I was happy in my life despite feeling an ouch in my pocket was when I hired you to take the photos.
It is amazing how you are able to make people smile despite them being angry. I wish there be more people like you.
May all your funny weird expressions be captured today as you capture the same of other people!