Its no secret that biology is an important part of curricullum which motivates the students to enter into the medical field. With the rise in medical problems especially due to lifestyle, medical workers provide invaluable services especially the doctors, nurses, lab technicians, surgeons and etc. For every individual in the medical field, the inspiration came from the biology teacher. Therefore, gratitude and well-wishes are imperative for such teachers. And nothing could be better than to wish your Biology teachers on their Birthday.
This post is all about the the simple and funny birthday wishes for biology teacher. We have crafted them uniquely and believe that these wishes will surely bring a smile of pride and accomplishment to your Biology teacher. So let’s get started.
May your biology remains unfaltered for the rest of your life. Happy Birthday Mam!
If I ever become a teacher, you will be my role model. Happy Birthday!
Thank you for believing in me when other teachers decided to give up. I will forever be grateful to what you have done for me!
Whenever I meet any teacher, I always talk about you!

You are not only a biology teacher but also the specialist in reverse ageing. May you spill the secret sometime soon!
May you and your family get to go anywhere in the world, except for one place, i.e. the hospitals.
Nothing more I look forward to everyday than your biology classes. I wish every teacher in the world be like you!
If there could be a representative for the cells, heart, lungs and all the parts of the body, you would be the perfect one!
I pray to the divine to keep on supplying you with unlimited serotonin for the rest of your life.
May your immune system remains healthy, happiness and loaded with all the nutrients for every scenario.
You are the reason why so many young minds decide to become a doctor and contribute to the wellfare of the society. I salute you!

Happy Birthday to an excellent biology teacher who always know how to explain hard concepts to dummies like me.
You are our mitochondria who propelled us to study harder and gained good marks. Thank you!
May the cell division of your body remain at optimum level throughout the life.
No other subject would have been perfect for teaching as God made you genetically blessed. May your genes spread across many distances.
May the telemeres of your body always remain long, healthy and vibrant to keep you away from ageing.
May all the cells of your body live in harmony for 100 + years.
I pray your mitochondria keep giving you energy for the next 100+ years of your life.
Biology Teacher Funny Birthday Wishes
To our Dear biology teacher. I have a confession to make. My father fears only three people in the world. The first is my mommy ofcourse, and the second is meeting you for the parent’s teachers meet and the third one is my sister.
I know about the time when you started learning biology i.e. in your mother’s womb.
I have a wonderful suggestion as a lucrative alternate career for you i.e. sex counsellor.

Thank you for teaching us the reproductive classes without any akwardness.
Dear Sir! Not only me but my parents have also learnt new things about reproduction from your class notes.
May the jealously of other teachers for you be less this year.
I wish the management keeps you for eternity and offer you 100% increment every year.
A teacher who doesn’t scold, a teacher who doesn’t criticize and the one who always teach my parents to be supportive of me. What more could anyone ask from a teacher! Thank you for being this way. May it always stays like this.
Of all the teachers in the University, I prefer to be get scolded by you in Biology terms.
Not many people are on my list of remembering the birthdays. But you made it with your care, empathy and awesome teaching. Surely, hard work does pay off!
Thank you for bringing your IQ level down to mine and raising it to a decent level.
If there would be an Oscar for the best biology teacher, you are surely going to be nominated atleast!
You are the living testament that it is perfectly possible to tame a stubborn and rebellious child. May all such students find tutelage under you.
When the divine was creating you, he ensured every gene of your’s to be more than perfect.
Seeing you teach Biology, my parents now wish that they too had a teacher like you.
I would always be grateful of you because you always hide my notorious acts from my parents in the parents teachers meet.
Thank you for teaching me how to stand up for myself. Now I easily retaliate with my cousins whenever they sap my energy.
The biology of my brain has improved after you became my teacher.
May your sex drive stays through the roof for the lifetime.
Today is the day you can task your liver and stomach to do a little bit hard work after intaking pizzas, diet coke, burgers and desserts.
You are an excellent biology teacher who happens to make testing question paper in every exam.
It is amazing how you made the subject interesting one for the students.
Thank you for teaching about the anatomy which my parents could never explain me due to shyness.
Biology Teacher Birthday Rhyming Words
The divine blessed us with perfection,
But we have been living in deception!
The Almighty then sent a good Biology teacher,
Who cleared away all our misconceptions!
Happy Birthday to our Biology Mam! May all your dreams come true!
Being a dummy is no shame,
But then there is always someone who will blame!
By the grace of God, A good teacher came,
And then my self-beliefs and mindset Reframed!
I will forever be grateful for turning around my life. Happy Birthday to our Biology teacher!