It is not a favourable scenario to wish you a belated happy birthday. But daily life and stresses can you make you forget one. And it does takes some special crafy words to make up for it, especially if the recipient is your employee. This is the reason for writing this post. Lots of belated Birthday Wishes for your employee awaits here. You will find them in sincere and funny tones. So sit back and enjoy.
People like you are always immune to late arrival and late work. I wish there be vaccines of people like you to inject others.
Just like every good things in life, these birthday wishes are arriving late too. Happy Belated one!
Due to storm and bad weather, Birthday wishes could arrive late. Sorry for it!
Birthday Wishes could be late, but certainly not the perks and incentives. May you have a hell of a good time this year.
I hope this late birthday wish will not propel you to fight for my chair.
Happy Belated to the employee because of whom my remaining hairs are in tact.
Happy birthday to an awesome worker that doesn’t annoy me!
There are perks too of late wishes like extension of deadline. Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy Belated wish from your favourite Boss who knows how to get the best out of you. And thanks for being the perfect mentee! May everything continues to be the same!
Happy Belated birthday to the folk who luckily is better than me in doing all the work.
Belated wishes to the one who gives me less reasons to cross-check her work.
The only surprise you that I could give you this year is this late birthday wish.
Allow me to be the first to wish you for your upcoming birthday in 364 days. Happy Belated one!
You are one of the rare gems of the organization and I wish there be more like you here. A very belated birthday to you.
Happy birthday to the most punch-able coworker.
Who said I forgot your birthday. I am simply extending the happiness interval of the occasion with these wishes.
If I have to choose between a forgetful Boss or a douchebag, I would chose the former one.
I mimicked you this time with my belated birthday message. Now I guess we are even!
Sorry to be late this time. You now have my permission to do the same on my birthday.
There are perks with belated wishes also. More sincerity in my prayers for your well-being and success.
I only wish once in 3 years. So Happy Belated birthday multiplied by three times.
I am not late in wishing you the birthday. I am extremely early with my wish for your next brithday. Happy Belated one.
Every year you’re older, wiser and more forgiving. Sorry I missed your birthday!
You didn’t hear from me on your birthday due to some technical issue. Actually, the brain stopped working for sometime.
Thank you for your timely contributions. This organization wouldn’t have been at this level without it!
Belated Funny Wishes to Employee on Birthday

Sorry for being late to the occasion. I was busy correcting your mistakes.
I am the only person who knows your real reasons behind your sudden leaves. May it always be like this.
You are more valuable to this organization than the gold I brought for my wife recently. May you shine like it though this year.
I sincerely pray that all your dreams come true, except the illegal ones!
My apologies to you for receiving this message late. I did my part though in timely manner.
Thank you being the reason for escaping my spouse’s chatter.
Being late is sexy at times and I am proud of it. Happy Belated birthday to the special employee.
My wishes for you might be belated but your performance and skillfulness has always been on time.
As they say, that it might be a late one but certainly not a fake one.
Just like my late wish, may the ageing and other problems of your life be belated by infinite time. Happy Belated one.
Hilarious Birthday Wishes to make up for the Belated Wishing
You wanted a surprise right? Here it is with a belated one.
I sincerely hope that your birthday event was far better than the late wish I am sending right now.
A wise man once said that the sincerity of the birthday wish is directly proportional to the lateness of the wishes. That wise man is ofcourse me.
My wishes may not be on time but your salary and promotion will always be. Happy Belated one!
You have been warned, to always remind me of your birthday 3 days before.
Sorry for missing your birthday on time. I was busy admiring your work ethic.
In the quest of extracting a birthday party from you, I forgot to wish you on time in the first place.
Do you know what is the best thing about me as your Boss? Remembering your birthday after it has gone!
Lesson Learned that I need to be more focus in remembering the birthdays of my people.
Having a Boss like me should compensate for my belated birthday wishes. Have a good one!
Congratulations from Envious colleagues might be belated at times, but respect for you will always be there.
Considering my age, its a miracle that I have not totally forgotten your birthday. Lots of wishes.
I am sorry to forget your birthday but luckily I also don’t remember your age too.
I know I am late in giving your the birthday wish but I will not be fined for it.
The last wish is always a special one and rememberable, therefore sending you my wonderful wishes on your birthday.
My wife prays that I be as ontime and hardworking with my work as you are. Happy Birthday!
You have compelled colleagues and other people to be on time, a feat that our HR couldn’t achieve.
I may the official Boss of this organization but you are certainly the unofficial leader here.
Sometimes God give us more than we expect like he blessed us with an employee like you.