Exit Interviews are an excellent way to let people depart from your organization on a good note. During their graduation and post-graduation years, Interns are always looking to work at reputed organizations. Apart from imparting valuable skills and knowledge to the Interns, the organization at the end of the internship period can gauge many things about themselves. And this is why exit interviews are necessary. Interns can provide valuable feedback about the organization. While many things can be asked, we are listing extremely important questions that should be asked from Interns at their exit interviews.

How is the atmosphere and organization culture?

Doing things efficiently and productivity requires more than just the hardware and skills of the employees. An organization requires highly exuberant atmosphere in order to keep the motivation high of employees. Since the intern is not totally biased like employees to give an affirmation, therefore its a great way to get an honest answer about the culture of the workplace.

Who did you find the most helpful for your project?

Its very helpful to know that which employees of the appointed staff were the most helpful to the interns. And the honest answer can be given by the interns themselves. If many interns pinpoint on the same people, then its quite sure that those employees have helped to form a positive impression on the interns.

What do you think about the vision and goals of the company and where do you see us in the next 2 years?

What according to you is the most important asset of a great organization?

What is the most valuable thing (skills) you have learnt from this internship period?

There is so much involved in every learning curve. While every thing in the process is important, some things are just more important. The aim of this question to an Intern is to know whether they have acquired the most relevant information of the role which was assigned to them. It also gives an indication that the program is imparting the spot on things which will help the intern to get a good job in that particular field.

While doing the Internship, how much you think soft skills are necessary as compared to the hard skills?

How did you find the management of the staff who were assigned to you?

Were you able to acquire the skills, knowledge and awareness that you came for?

Would you change anything in our Internship program for the better?

If given a full time employment opportunity to work with us, how likely you will take it?

This question is like the overall summary of all the questions above. If the interns reply with an enthusiastic yes, then it means that your organization is doing quite a good job in aspects that employees want. If not, then you can always zero in on things that need improvement.