Hey Buddy! It has a been a long time since the divine forged our friendship. Life has been nothing short of amazing after we have met. May it goes on like this for eternity! A very happy birthday to my long time friend!
Over the years, I have not only thrived but have also become a better person in every aspect. Our friendship over the years has infused in me a ton of altruism and moralistic values. I wish there be more people like you in this world. Many many happy returns of the day to you!
Great locations, food and wealth will not replace the natural highs and adrenaline of life that I feel in your presence. Our friendship has been like a roller coaster ride. And we are both two lucky individuals enjoying the best of each other. Happy Birthday to you my friend! May you reach the zenith of success.
Lucky are those to whom the divine bless with a long time friend like you! We have witnessed all sorts of highs and lows in our life and the future looks very endearing. I hope we will always be long time mates in our next lifetimes also. A very happy birthday to you!
After being in friendship with you for so many years, I can honestly admit that you are the best thing that could have happened to me. Moments flew by and they still do whenever I am with you! I wish you an immense success in all your professional and personal endeavors. Happy Birthday my awesome long time friend!
It is so endearing to see how far you have come into the life. I admire your ability to give your best in every situation which is why the divine has given you amazing success. May you continue on that path! Feeling very happy today for you! Happy Birthday!

One may not believe but it is absolutely true that sometimes, the divine do not give us what we deserve, but more than that! Our long friendship is the epitome of joy, vigor, acceptance and dreaming for the better qualities. On this birthday, I pray for your immense success in your near future. Happy Birthday!
Funny Wishes
I don’t think there is anyone in this world who knows my dirty secrets more than you! May you always guard them with your life! Hahah! Our long friendship is a testament to our love, faith and respect for each other. A very happy birthday to you!
Today I am feeling very happy, not because of your birthday but because you have turned older than me, albeit for few months only! 😀 Tonight, we are going to have a blast! Happy Birthday!
Dear Bestie! The one thing that I have definitely learnt from you is how to have bigger ti**es and wider glutes, simply by being a couch potato. A very easy and most importantly effective method. Hahaha!! But a happy birthday to you!
If I have to count the no. of time I have saved your *** from your parents, teachers, principles and even from your girlfriend, it would compile into a harry potter book size equivalent. I guess I deserve a king size treatment today on your birthday! Aye! Happy Birthday to you!
When insanity needs a new benchmark, you are the one that comes to my mind. Happy Birthday to my crazy friend of so many years.
Over the years, I have realized that the best recuperation method is to pull your legs. Don’t feel bad because that’s the same you do to me. Hahah!!! Jokes apart, a very happy and prosperous birthday to you!
I cannot find some real special, cool words to describe our amazing friendship over the years which is why I am copy pasting you the best one from Google, which is Happy Birthday to an awesome long time friend! 😀
You have seen my dark side of personality and it truly balances out your dark side as well. Hahah!! We both deserve the best because we both can handle the worst of each other! Kudos to our long friendship. May it goes forever! Happy Birthday!
No matter how difficult the circumstances will be, I will always stand by your side. May you pile up mountain of success and allot some amount of it to me too! 😀 I guess I deserve that after bearing your tantrums for so many years. Kidding only dear! Happy Birthday!
An important secret of our long friendship from years is that we both not only push but are also the perfect punchbags for each other. Lucky are the individuals like us whom the divine has woven in such amazing friendship. A very happy birthday to you!
You believed in me like no one else!!
There was a time when no one believed in my goals and visions. You not only believed in me but also propelled me out of my comfort zone. I couldn’t have asked for a better long time friend than you. May everyone gets a friend like you! Happy Birthday!
Only an awesome friend like you could have given breath into my desires and goals. You may not agree with me many times but you are someone who gave me an iota of hope in the worst of times. Whatever your goals will be, I will always support you whole heartedly, like you supported mine. Happy Birthday to you dear!