After a family, cousins are probably the best support system for an individual. You can share your heart out, ask for help and share a great time with them. In fact, there may be times where you could be comfortable sharing your vulnerability with your cousin than with your real sibling. And this is why it is important to maintain a cordial, lively, and energetic bond with your cousins. The best way to do that is of course be wishing them funny wishes, especially on their birthday.

Coming up with funny wishes at the last minute can be cumbersome. And this is why we are writing this post. With plenty of sweet and funny wishes for a birthday, your cousin will feel joy, and gratitude when he will read your funny wishes for his/ her birthday. So without wasting any more time, let us get started.

Sweet Wishes for cousin on Birthday

Hey dear! You may be my cousin but you are more than a real sibling to me. Happy Birthday to you!

There are some things in life for which we can’t be grateful enough always. A cousin like you is one of them for sure. Many many happy returns of the day to you.

Dear cousin sister! Your hearty laughter is one of the best things that rejuvenate my heart. May every cousin be like you. A very happy birthday

Short one line funny wishes

Hey Cousin! It may be your birthday today, but we are going to do shopping for me only.

Happy birthday to the great cousin who thrives on pulling me legs forever.

Over the years, I have hidden your mistakes countless no. of times. I deserve a king-size wine and dine treatment. What do you say!!!

Thanks to my lovely aunt for popping out playful, altruistic cousins like you. Happy Birthday to dear you!

Sometimes the best method to make anyone get going is not a criticism, but a wild kick on their behind. What is your opinion about it dear cousin!

The best thing my cousin has taught me over the years is how to stay young forever, by lying through the teeth of course.

Funny messages for Female Cousin on Birthday

Hey dear, sister! It’s the day that reminds you of your exact age and also how grateful you have been to have a cousin like me.

Its a day when you should thank my ears for working over time by listening to your non-stop talks. Happy Birthday!

Great friendships are bonded by caring for each other whereas great bonds of cousin are forged by sharing of clothes, money and pulling each others’ leg all the times.

People develop strength, courage, and thick skin from the constant leg-pulling and criticism of their cousins. Agree or not dear?

I am not only your cousin but also your bodyguard who will weed out all the bad guys from entering your life.

When the going gets tough, the sister gets going, to the cousin brother for help!! Happy Birthday, dear! Love you to the moon and back.