While every birthday of your Son is always special, the 10th birthday is a major timeline in anyone’s life. We know how much you deeply love your Son. And this is why we have prepared special birthday wishes for him on this tenth birthday. These wishes have been prepared from the perspective of both Mom and Dad. Do share it with your Son on turning 10th.

Happy Birthday to an awesome Son. These 10 years have flown by and I couldn’t have asked for a better son from the Almighty. May the next 10 years of your life be even more charming, enthusiastic and full of adventure. God bless you my Son!

They say that nothing happens without the will of God. And I can certainly testify that because the divine bestowed me with such a wonderful, adorable cute son. A very happy 10th birthday to you dear. May you always be smiling and happy.

From Dad

Ten years ago, I would have never thought how life would turn out in the next decade. And now, seeing my handsome son, I can only say, Thank you to God from the bottom of my heart. Dear Son! May this 10th birthday propel you to make big in life. May you always be happy and smiling.

Congrats for turning ten my handsome Son. May you grow big, strong both physically as well as mentally. Lots of adventure filled years ahead of you. Happy Birthday!

You have now completed the first decade of your journey here on planet Earth. I am sure you must have learnt a lot in these years. Be happy and always be humble dear son. God bless you! Happy Birthday!

Dear Son! We may have disagreements at times but know that nothing I pray in this world than your smile and happiness. You are my eternal sunshine and I wish you to be possessed with great health, charm, and enthusiasm. Happy tenth birthday to you dear!

In these 10 years, my son has grown so much, both physically and emotionally. Every time I see you my son, I feel happier. I wish you great success for future.

From Mother

My dear Son! You are my universe around which my whole life revolves. On this auspicious occasion of your tenth birthday, I give you lots of hugs, sweet kisses, and blessings. May you acquire success more than your expectations. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

I hope you are destined for great success my cute, adorable son. I wish you immense birthday wishes for turning 10th this year. Lots of great times ahead of us.

It is rightly said that God sometimes doesn’t give you what you deserve. In fact, he bestows you with more than that. You are the gift that I have been deeply blessed with my dear Son. These last ten years have been amazingly rewarding, and full of happiness, courtesy of you. May the future be even more bright. Happy Birthday, dear!

Inspiring 10th Birthday Poem for Son

A boy came from the divine,
And brought a ton of luck for the family.
His mischievous activities are no less than a headache
And yet he brought a smile to everyone in the family.
Happy 10th birthday to my handsome Son.

Birthday Letter to 10th Birthday Boy

Dear Son

On this auspicious occasion of tenth birthday, your future is laid wide open for you. You have more talent and enough ability that you will ever need in this lifetime. All you have to do is make use of that talent and ability as much as you can in this lifetime. No matter whether you will be 10, 20 or 30 years old, we as parents will always be behind you, guiding and supporting you and our umbrella of love, care and respect will always be upon you.

May you work hard and achieve all your dreams and visions.
Happy Tenth Birthday my Boy.